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Dates, natural delights: differences and benefits

September 12, 2018

Did you know that we carry three different varieties of dates?

And do you know what the differences are?

All dates have many health benefits, from promoting brain health to aiding in digestion. Dates are incredibly nutritious, high in fibre, vitamins and minerals. 

They all contain both soluble and insoluble fibre, which helps to lower blood cholesterol, regulate your blood sugar and keep you feeling satiated.

Dates are also a tasty way to get more minerals in your diet, as they contain manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium, iron and even some selenium and calcium, just to list a few! In addition, they contain a lot of vitamins, including: riboflavin, vitamin K and a large range of the B vitamins. Did you know that pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), which dates are quite high in, helps you to metabolize proteins, carbohydrates and fats?

Because of their nutrient density, dates help to support many essential systems and processes in your body, from your cardiovascular system to keeping your hair, skin and nails looking their best. Having a healthy, balanced diet helps to prevent many chronic diseases. The less we stress our bodies by providing it with what it needs to function at its best, the better we’ll feel physically and mentally in the long run.

Dates are simply a wonderful and 100% natural food to keep you going throughout the day. Are you already incorporating them into your diet?


The largest of the dates we carry, and also the most popular. They’re big, soft and deliciously sweet. We sell them with the pit in, as they’re very delicate, so removing the pit can damage the date and cause them to dry out more during longer-term storage. They’re most commonly snacked on as is, though they’re also used in the kitchen to create delicious snacks and treats.


These dates are smaller than the Medjool (about half the size) and a bit firmer. They’re often referred to as the Queen of Dates. More commonly used in baking, as you can chop them without them becoming mush on your cutting board, they’re also a great snack food. Because of their firmer flesh these dates can be purchased pitted for your snacking and baking convenience. We recommend keeping the pitted dates in airtight containers in your freezer for long-term storage.


Our staff favourite. These dates are smaller and rounder than the Medjools, but they have a delightful and distinctive caramel flavour. They’re also very soft. Storing them in your freezer and eating them frozen is like popping a delicious, totally natural caramel candy into your mouth. Other than simply enjoying these dates as a snack, they also make fantastic date squares and can be used in place of Medjools in your favourite date recipes.

For optimal shelf life, keep your dates in the fridge or, alternatively, all varieties freeze well. Leaving them in your room-temperature kitchen will shorten their shelf life by quite a bit, especially in warmer climates or during the spring and summer months.

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