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💚 Coming soon: Harvest Sale pop-ups - Shop in person and and join the fun! 💚

Donation Day, fun day!

December 09, 2019

Every year in December we hold our annual Donation Day, where our staff, customers and local community members come and help us sort and package all the remaining stock we had left from the previous year’s harvest. Since we only sell New Crop products from the current harvest, one way for us to ensure nothing actually goes to waste goes if it’s not sold that season is to donate what we have left. These remaining products are then donated to food banks, one for every community we have a community Harvest Sale in, schools and even wildlife organizations (for opened or damaged products), along with other chartable groups to help brighten the holiday season for those in need.

This year’s annual Donation Day was another great success! We had a record number of over 50 people attend to help us get our products packaged and sorted to be sent to the numerous deserving charities. With all the help we got we wrapped up the day in the early afternoon, and all sat down to enjoy a delightful hot lunch after some hard work!

We’re excited to be sending out these donations to the many deserving organizations and we hope the goodies and nutritious foods are enjoyed over the holidays by those who might not have been able to enjoy them otherwise. 

Thank you to everyone who came and donated their time to help us! Not 
to mention that many people who support our business and allow us to be able to give back in this way every year. We can’t do it without you!

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