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Romancing the pecan

February 15, 2016

turtles-sqLove is in the air!

February is the month of romance, caring and showing affection and appreciation for the great people in our lives ~ whether that be in an intimate relationship, among family and friends or even your child’s favourite teacher.

Romance connects us to something larger than oneself; relationships become more than the sum of the people who make it up, the realization of a community we’ve built up around ourselves.

Romantic culinary practices are deeply rooted in history. A good meal brings people together like nothing else, and people all over the world, from all cultures, connect over food.

Chocolate is a relatively recent addition to the Valentine’s Day tradition. Most of us are familiar with its touted aphrodisiac properties, but it wasn’t until the late 1800s when the Cadbury family devised the heart-shaped box with which to ply their chocolates and romantic notions to the public. Today there are 36 million heart-shaped boxes sold each year and Valentine’s Day rakes in an incredible $18 billion every February.

This year, we’re going the home-made route. Go the extra mile and make this delicious and healthy version of a chocolate favourite ~ Turtles! Using only three or four ingredients, including Rancho’s fresh and savoury baby pecans, and no cooking required, they’re a fabulous treat that your loved ones will be sure to appreciate!

“There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” ~ George Bernard Shaw

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